
Friday, June 30, 2006

Why SpaceCommand?

It just occurs for anyone reading why SpaceCommand? It becomes clear when issues in your repertoire were in a timely manner as you had presented in advance pertinent to the Strategic Defense Initiative. In many ways that idea has moved ahead with our current Space Command, and is so relevant. You may perceive this principle as personal chemistry, kindred spirits operating through linguistics. For some years you may have read about "sources and methods," as applied research in National Security studies has formed a unique historical perspective. Those having experience in commentaries and other efforts directed toward government may understand this more fully. In my thoughts politics, American Studies, Political Science and Presidential Studies affirm the gist of themes from an autobiographical perspective. Personal interests and scholarship taken together involved The Study of the Future, Music, and the game of chess. That initial focus dovetailed into communications research and a systemic feedback loop of citizen duty. Once you attain something through the writing, the logical follow through is to do so again. But remember this is more than only one personal vision.

For a background in how my project came to pass and how it continues, picture a long walk through a University Bookstore. You are wishing to proceed further with your education after some years since graduation. You find the latest books in your major field, one of which is published by the USGPO. Later you open it into a random page, making your commentary.

So consider how in many ways important things in life happen and are not just from a one minute manager, but a matter of seconds when you make a decision and proceed upon it. On another score, say you call a friend long distance after winning a chess championship, and one year later you end up in London playing Gary Kasparov in the Savoy Theater at blitz chess. You can trace what happened as it began with say 10 seconds of conversation. Translate that of course into your own field of interests.

These events of the chess world happened from specific actions and worlds, but recognizing it now is pertinent as eventualities have happened several times previously from experience. I am certain the principle extends through self to others. Having made this blog autobiographical rather than some current events news item of interest, let me offer thanks for people who visiting here who add their thoughts. Ask questions, after all that is the most basic Socratic method.

There is no doubt in my mind about privately shared writings have already been shouted to the mountain tops by others. In the movies or theater ever so often you see the man at the summit speaking through a bull horn, and then musing with the echo. The aim here is to evaluate and in some sense control the cacophony of words. That you can find yourself being a "favorite son," in politics while continuing in everyday life without public acknowledgments may open more creativity. On another front the reference to the "Nobel Prize syndrome," enters for scientists who so often do less science after the award at the same level.

For me the adventure is somewhat more than any further acknowledgments. While it is comforting to experience awards others achieve through at least some of the efforts, remember it is very often a 10 second world that makes all the difference, as you may get the drift here. FDR more than once quipped to some influential scientist or businessman, "it's all very theoretical," as he moved on to his next task or appointment on his agenda.

Ronald Reagan and the White House once sent a favorite photograph, with equestrian stride. In my thoughts a certain personal approach realized facilitated concepts amidst businesslike developments. It is all about a creative and healthful parlance with active visionary ideals day by day. While facing the future it is always good to proceed with traditional values. That includes the horse, its great stories throughout history, and a bright understanding of the human spirit.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


April 4, 1983 -----------------------------------April 18, 1983

Think about it. The Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars in fact not in fiction was one of the central positions in the 1980s. It is credited as playing a large part for ending the cold war. Prior to SDI bi-lateral relations held a dicotomy where a "bargaining chip," turned itself into a "chess move." Finally the US and the Soviet Union was playing the same game. Indeed part of the SDI theme was sharing the technological shield with the Soviets, to eliminate the nuclear threat.

While the April 18, 1983 issue of Time Magazine stated "Making the Wrong Moves," for the first time the chess verses poker analogy was gone. Now it was chess and only chess. The statement "Making the Wrong Moves," mattered far less than that the paradigm had changed completely. Why didn't anyone notice?

Marsall McCluhan best said it "the media is the message." Possibilities arise when you see the underlying pattern.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Music Chess and Political Future Studies

Well it has been more than a month, and I have to continue this autobiography since it is critical for understanding in more detail the first comment below.

You have the drift of this background disclosure, but these are things that you forget about when dealing with the so called "real world," is that not entirely correct for most people?

Here in Hawaii Catholic School was indicated, from fifth grade onwards. Something in this was appealing to the Reagan administration, Irish Christian brothers, a principal named "Regan," a chief of staff named "Regan," and that made people think of Reagan. Close enough for government work.

I will go on fast forward here for a moment, since I have a story to tell related to why important people would listen to you, and why they do even when you think they do not.

Perhaps I will let you know that the game of chess is not necessarily esteemed by people in the United States, but it is glorified at higher levels of achievement in the historical Soviet Union. I think I really understand the game deeply, say reflected by a current Master title at least from the World Blitz chess association. Can you understand how a blitz player thinks? "You are taking far too long at the check out counter, it seems like 10 million years since you started," to give you some occasional thought balloons.

I am more than a quick study, when I want to I can work really fast, due to this partitioning of time into blitz chess segments. I mean physical labor can exceed others substantially when I want to do it. There is no sloppiness here because in chess you lose when you make mistakes.

Of course the Soviets had their myth of the "Soviet Man," who would out produce others five to one or some such notion. That is why the blitz chess extension of things is critical for one to at least grip the story here and understand at least nominally why I started a political future studies project years ago after college, and why it not only works but it has a power all its own. Take phrases such as "course correction," as applied to politics, not NASA space science alone. We are still using that phrase, but it began on a specific date to be popularized in the Reagan administration, and I will be able from my notes to tell you to do a text search prior and after the initiation of it from my own commentaries directly. I think I have established why people listen or read things I have written as a private citizen to a small audience in the form of letters. What has been even more surprising to me is how deeply these people have read things into a repertoire. You will find that phrase "course correction," as applied to politics, after that date, but not before that date in any popularized context. Little excerpts such as that which have become memorable continue to resurface.

The exact writings from this hand mention a "course correction analogy," as applied to larger concerns about how and why people perceive of political action and words into the future. The idea was meant to be retained as a strategy, not necessarily quoted verbatim.

So to review again here, the background is music, chess, and political future studies. Do not forget "World Order Models Design," the WOMP project, but that arose later. Each time these verbatim selections arose, I was astonished, but it reached a point where "enough was enough." I do not think that is so anymore. Go ahead keep it up, but you must do good on my watch, otherwise nature's God will take action.